Lee Copen lives and paints on a small farm in the Missouri Ozarks. Whether painting on location or in the studio her color and light filled paintings reflect her love of nature and the landscape.
“I have always been drawn to the diversity and beauty that landscape has to offer. Painting is absolutely my most favorite thing to do. I have been painting all my life and painting is simply how I like to spend my time. For me painting is capturing a fleeting moment of beauty and sharing what I see with others.”
Lee Copen studied art at the University of Northern Colorado, graduating with a degree in fine art and an emphasis in graphic design. She worked as a sign painter, art director and graphic artist; eventually starting her own freelance business in Architectural Illustration, which she did for 15 years. In 2002 she became certified in K12 art education and has taught art at a public high school for 19 years. In addition to teaching, she is a fine artist. Her award winning watercolor and oil paintings can be viewed on line and at select galleries. Go to Leecopen.com for more information.